2019 Fawning season!
Fawning season is on its way here at Wilks whitetail with just over 200 fawns born and 4 on the bottle, WE ARE BUSY! Below is one of our...
2019 Bucks growing!
Wilks has over 80 stocker bucks that are 2 years old they are looking good and we cant wait to see how they finish this is the best and...
The fawns have finally arrived ! We have close to 150 fawns as of today and they keep us busy. Cant wait to see them grow
Growing season
Growing season is here! Were excited to see all the breeders and yearlings grow out. Check out these 2 year old bucks sired by Coldsmoke!
We had a good growing season Check out some of our bucks from this season! If you'd like more pictures or interested in stocker or...
Fawning Season!
Wilks Whitetail fawning season has officially started! It hasn't even been 1.5 weeks since the start and we are currently up to 135...
May 2017-Ranch News!
Hey everyone if you have been to our website lately you may have noticed we have updated and improved! At the ranch we are currently...